Removal and Replace of Breast Implants
Why do removal and replace in office?
Dr. Toohey offers the removal and replace procedure to his patients in office under local anesthesia. This reduces the costs to his patients and makes recovery time very quick and easy.
How long should you wait before getting your implants replaced?
Dr. Toohey recommends about every 15-20 years to remove your implants and replace with a new set.
Should you replace your saline implants for silicone implants?
If you’re experiencing rippling, a decrease in volume, or you’re simply just not happy with the size, Dr. Toohey recommends replacing saline for silicone because modern day silicone is the safest and most durable material that the breast implant industry offers.
Please call 949-759-8700 today to schedule your complimentary consultation with Dr. Toohey to discuss your individual options.
Please Watch The Video Below To See How Easy It Is:
Removal of Breast Implants in Office
Why remove your implants in office under local anesthesia?
Dr. Toohey offers the removal procedure in office under local anesthesia for his patients. This reduces the costs to his patients and makes recovery time very quick and easy.
Why do some patients want to have their breast implants removed?
Please watch the video down below to hear the answer from Dr. Toohey. Some patients want them removed because they are simply done with them or they want to wait before choosing to have their implants replaced.